Wednesday, January 31, 2007

after so much effort put into studies, i don't see any bright saintly lights at the end of the tunnel.

i screwed up my critical reasoning skills paper when i look at it from a helicopter's view. err maybe from a even much higher view.
apparently i linked politics to economy to terrorism for the topic should disabled kids be killed. and my friends were like asking me what the hell does all these things gotta do with killing of diasbled babies. so that was pretty much out of point . but my friends comforted me, saying the teacher will appreciate my all rounded writing. oh damn it!

and now, my lovely neighbours haven't been doing the 10 minutes mozzie wipe out. so they're breeding mosquitoes! my room is infested with all these small deadly mozzies. i got stung 8 times just 2 days back. and i went whining only then my mum told me it was our neighbours.
now i'm getting the symptoms of dengue. pain everywhere, sore throat, coming fever. but praying hard that i won't be the next victim of dengue.
so guys, if you don't want your neighbours to loathe you and the town council to come after you, please follow the tv and do your mozzies wipe out!

and my friend was a wet blanket. told me that the goverment psyche army personnels up for a war that's never gonna come. and thinking hard, airforce pilots are of zero contribution to the society despite the excellent pay. and tried to convince me that i'll get disillusioned after i go the army myself. and i told him that we can't find fault with the country practicing deterrence. nevertheless, i was kinda pissed. wahaha

so after my exams, i'm gonna focus on getting a work and squashing. and oh sailing! and my birthday is 24 days from now! thinking of where to feed then.

Later guys.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Last Sortie.

didn't fly my last sortie on saturday cause my instructor was down with flu. and i requested to fly with him rather than any other instructors. so i was booked for a flight today.

to me, tan sk is still the best instructor ever. never will you feel stressful or f***ed up flying with him. he'll guide you along, provide you dummy proof instructions and that makes flying alot easier. although he bombarded me with boyles law and joules law the other day and i reacted like a snail.
and i'm really very satisfied with my very last sorite. we took the plane to its height limit which was 10000 feets. he did acrobatics although there were alot of limitations and we did a touch and go circuit. but i did what i have to learn for that sortie before doing all these, mind you. we're not slackers. anyway, i was feeling nausea after the acrobatics that i almost puke when we were about to land.

was feeling bad after the sortie. but i gave him a hard forced smile and thank him for the fruitful last sortie. and the last thing he told me was,'' hope to see you in the air one day." and my new goals are set from that statement. i'm gonna make it into the airforce.

fufilling! no regrets

Thursday, January 18, 2007

i totally hate ryan for who he is and what he does. you'll never see people as annoying as him. i'm not discriminating the minorities but he's getting on everyone's nerve and especially mine. not that we have alot to do with each other and there's absolutely nothing between us.
though i can take 40 days and 40 nights blabbering about what he did for the whole of one year, i'll just shrink it down to one word - SUCKER!

he's a total kiasu (afriad of losing), kiasi (afraid of dying). that's self centered, he'll always place he's best interest right smack in front of him and doesn't give a shit to people around him. so long as the world revolves around him and himself only, everything is fine. well, chances of getting to see him everyday for the next 2 years are higher than min hui loving her beau more. but i shan't tolerate such actions. one fine day i'll prolly get the whole class to boycott him and spank him in the ass! or maybe i'll just hit a squash ball fast and furious into his face. but hey it's one fine day, so it's pretty much like it's never gonna happen.
now that he's in syfc, my friend just told me that he's calling the ops room everyday, demanding to get a slot for the next day. pity on the club but i bet he's gonna tick them off in no time.

but anyway, god seem to be on his side more than me since he's still in syfc. and unfortunately, i'm flying my very last sortie tmr at 240pm. it better not rain tomorrow or hell will break loose. just joking but i'm just very reluctant to return to that place again. cause
a) it's freaking far and i'm a broke polytechnic boy who cant afford to get my arse there and back just for nothing.
b) i may just kill the people over there for phasing me out. (that's a joke)
c) there's a friendly match with nanyang girls high tmr. and i don't wanna miss it!
so yea the above are my very intelligent answer for not wanting to go back.

i didn't have a good kick start for this 2007. oh well better luck next year

Monday, January 15, 2007


happy birthday hock peng. turned 18, pubs and clubs are waiting for you. curry favour for dinner and hagen dazs for dessert. the rice was so filling that all of us almost puked. felt so stuffed up after the dinner.
anyway hock peng, you don't get so many pairs of flip flops at pne go. so appreciate man. these could last you for a year.

anyway, even though i was having great fun partying with friends, laughing at every joke, i wasn't as happy. i just got phased out of SYFC. reason? the weather. first it was the haze then the monsson season.
it's still hard to accept the fact that you got chopped not cause your flying is spastic but the weather. they took me to a greater height and made me fall like that. i just came back from a futile trip to syfc. it's suppose to be my very last sortie but got cancelled cause of the pelting rain. was almost impossible to fly.
met justin- (who's still in) cause he was on the same wave. you know when i looked at him, i felt enviousness and also resentful. not towards him but rather the club and myself. it was like a wave of emotions swept towards me.
there's no point being covetous of learning how to fly when luck is not on your side. you'll end up like a lost sheep waiting to be slaghtered and served for dinner. and i studied dilligently before every sortie but all were in vain.
nevertherless, i learned something. it's an opportunity to fly not a previlege. and i'm thankful they grant me the chance to fly.
best of luck to my course mates who made it.

for they blessed me with the gift of wings.

Monday, January 08, 2007

today was seriously an emotional turmoil.

was so reluctant to watch this show. i thought of giving it a miss cause i wasn't a great fan of leonardo dicaprio but this show turns out to be a not to miss. this show really strike me with a incredible emotional impact. it gave an in depth study at the economical conflict as well as the political issues of diamond trading in Africa.

after watching this show, thoughts were gathering at the back of my head. i never felt like there's a need to reflect after watching a movie.
diamond came from the heart of the earth and people are killing one another for a wedding's story-the womens' best friend. i never knew the natures gift caused so much blood shed.
boohoo, isnt it? it's kinda scary to imagine whats it like.
so next time if you buy a diamond, double check if it's a conflict diamond cause it's as good as buying people's blood and life.

went to the hospital to visit a close family's friend wife. she's seriously ill and is relying on a machine to sustain her life. she went into a 12th day coma after she blacked out and woke up only for a day before she went into coma again. you can see the agony in her family faces. their medisave had already been used up and they're very tight on cash. i'm not exploiting their grave, mind you. but i seriously feels that life is precious like my mum said.

anyway, schools starting tommorow. argh gotta study already. see ya people


Friday, January 05, 2007

squash chalet was great. although it rained during the barbeque, we still managed to cook all the food with umbrellas sheltering our food. was sticking around the mahjong table, and i know my skills were spastic. god damn it.
and i was stuck with a pussy for the old changi hospital visit. lena and i were feeing damn paranoid about the trip. but hey it was kinda okay, just that the ball-less lena grabbed my hand so hard that i thought she saw something. opps i'm sorry lena.
ting ting was like a living zombie roaming aimlessly in that old dilapitated haunted hospital. argh!
had so much fun though we slept so little. i was scavenging for time here and there to doze off for a little while. thats what i call a power nap.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

how about watching fireworks for new year? sounds cool! but it's not!
imagine squeezing with ten over thousand people. it's a total turn off.
don't get me wrong, the fireworks was awesome, it's just that the crowd and road blocks was not really expected.
i seldom take mirror pictures but that was a pretty cool mirror though i didn't know where to look at. so my eyes just wandered off.
dinner was at marche.min hui was complaining that the honey baked ham was too sweet but i find it all right. must be her taste bud wahaha.

we took only a few pictures. i don't know why!
happy new year anyway.