Monday, January 08, 2007

today was seriously an emotional turmoil.

was so reluctant to watch this show. i thought of giving it a miss cause i wasn't a great fan of leonardo dicaprio but this show turns out to be a not to miss. this show really strike me with a incredible emotional impact. it gave an in depth study at the economical conflict as well as the political issues of diamond trading in Africa.

after watching this show, thoughts were gathering at the back of my head. i never felt like there's a need to reflect after watching a movie.
diamond came from the heart of the earth and people are killing one another for a wedding's story-the womens' best friend. i never knew the natures gift caused so much blood shed.
boohoo, isnt it? it's kinda scary to imagine whats it like.
so next time if you buy a diamond, double check if it's a conflict diamond cause it's as good as buying people's blood and life.

went to the hospital to visit a close family's friend wife. she's seriously ill and is relying on a machine to sustain her life. she went into a 12th day coma after she blacked out and woke up only for a day before she went into coma again. you can see the agony in her family faces. their medisave had already been used up and they're very tight on cash. i'm not exploiting their grave, mind you. but i seriously feels that life is precious like my mum said.

anyway, schools starting tommorow. argh gotta study already. see ya people
