Tuesday, February 27, 2007

you know i was trying out the new blogger which apparently is not as user friendly and idiot proof la. guess i'm gonna have to experiment these craps myself for quite sometime.

but anyway the post's about my birthday. i had great fun! really i looked back and realised i was a dolt for expecting materialistic gifts, having a great feast somewhere in the heart of town. my friends took the effort to plan a fabulous dinner and they made wording out of 200 candles. i was lost for words and deliberated for awhile before thanking them!it wasn't fanciful nor was it extravagant but i appreciated them for the effort put in, for the sincerity. and i must say the boxer your bought was far better than the calvin klein i wanted.

i wanna thank my friends and family who went an extra mile, who fork out for presents to make me feel so bless on my birthday.

such a sweet 18. oh the pics are below, i think you have to clicked on the link. not alot of pics though but i'm trying to get more of them.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

today's my brother's birthday and i'll like to wish him a happy birthday here. i'm quite broke to get him any pressies so wishing him happy birthday would be good enough already.

and now my exams are over. there's a sense of emptiness, a student without exams and tests is kinda pathetic. i had been having test and exams since i was at a tender age. my days of innocence were spent on potty trainings, crawling exams. haha just joking, my parents never put me through all this.

but anyway, i haven't blog about my trip back to jjc with pei rong. it was jjs' carnival and we went back to visit. the ultimate reason was to meet as many ex jjcians as possible, and that goal was fufilled. there were so many familiar faces and stuffs! we were elated la and also we know some new friends, i'm always excited to have new friends haha.
liang tong commented, saying how nice it would be if all of us stayed and not move on to do our own respective schools. and yea i bet we'll been squashing basketballing tennissing and volleyballing as often. and theres a sense of nostalgia when you step into jjc.
was definitely a time of my life.

and we went for dinner at holland village. there was me jun ting elanor si hui pei rong and ji shen. had nydc then elanor introduced a great place for tea. essential brew- had nice setting, nice cushion seats, cosy areas and also nice brewed tea! and we were chatting till 11 plus before we leave for home. we took alot of pictures too and i'm gonna post it up with the sailing party ones. that'll save me some time yea.

and to my friends whose Os werent as favourable. your tried your best and choose wisely yea and i'm saying SP as your first choice. good luck in your future endeavours. we'll meet up soon!

cya people. happy chinese new year. take care. Later

Saturday, February 10, 2007

oh my god. the song smack that is getting into me.

so there was a post exam party for the sailing members yesterday. food was abundunt and so were the drinks. see everytime i try to resist myself from the inviting alcohols, i just get tempted even more. and no one goes to mary ann's place without getting high!
after the buffet-like food session, we started off with the drinking games. one was the circle of death. or was it doom? i don't know. but all i know is we got so drunk drinking the awful tequila shots, the absolute vodka, kahlua and some other drink. the best thing was i knew i got an excellent blood circulatory system cause i was all red. and the worst thing was i puked a lot and the hang-over sucked deep shit.

watched john tucker must die at 3.00am and i fell asleep halfway through scary movie 4. was quite lame so i figured out i should catch some sleep yea. by the way i'm gonna post the pictures up real soon, that is if i have the time.

see you people.