Monday, July 31, 2006

Gosh! i'm blessed with good food this month. this time it was billy bombers, had so much but paid so little. i used the 1 for 1 voucher for my burger and i got my all time favourite milkshake for free cause xinni owes me.
now billy bombers serve very nice burgers and it's very filling, so guys we can consider paying billy bombers a visit on zhen wei's birthday!

met up with jovan after that and we're actually being gooseberries, right xinni? heez think i better not disturb, let the sp sailing journalist do the job man.
i am so sorry that it took me so long to update these pictures! was kinda busy but anyway here are the pictures.

see all of you soon and good luck for the upcoming exams!

Friday, July 28, 2006


saw this video like months ago but was lazy to blog this up.

now, i just miss everyone in JJC even alfafa and olaimette. we used to play basketball when we skipped lectures and yea its always fun to play basketball with such enthusiastic class. picked up squash tennis and volleyball.

hanging out at the cafe for some coffee or pastries is always nice, when u feel the warmth from your friends. valentines, chinese new year and even my birthday was spent there!

the times in jjc, i'll never forget. see you guys soon!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

loathe mondays. it realli suck!
nothing about the monday blues or whatever. it's about cads lesson

had to stare at the computer for a straight 4 hours and now i'm feeling very sick. my necks aching, having a headache and the urge to throwing up is horrible.

popped down some panadols, hope they'll help ease the pain.
horrendous monday

Monday, July 24, 2006

teenage life

what did you learn at school today ?
that's what the teachers used to say
but they don't know
don't understand, do they ?
why do they always give advice ?
saying 'just be nice, always think twice'
when it's been a long time since they had a teenage life

was reading yida's blog and how she miss henderson. felt nostalgic
i really haven't been looking back enough.
so now, i'm thinking of my school days and trying to write this entry.

i remember
gossiping with min hui during chemistry and physics lessons
rebelling during madam shen classes
asking tze ping to shut up
singing along with xin yi
arguing with olivia
planning what we're gonna do that weekend even if its on a monday
visiting the toilet whenever one lesson ends
repeating what i said to everyone
waiting for gabriel to pack his bag
smuggling food back to lessons
having tissue pratas on thursday
trying to scrap through every tests
bullying marcus and the rest
getting to eat every buffet the school has
copying homework at the study corner
asking miss kaur to contribute to the nation's population
camping outside the staff room
singing the national anthem

hoping that those days will go on and on forever
every day something new
just friends running together

now my secondary school's life over
and my friends are growing older
anyway we'll visit henderson soon.
see all of you soon

rsyc regatta

went over to rsyc yesterday. we were suppose to rig and unrig the sails and also assist the disabled sailors. it was fun and i saw the singapore team sailor javin ( if i didn't get his name wrong )
was assiting him, he's a great sailor and a great guy too! just one thing i found about him! he used the word disabled too much and i felt kinda bad.had tacos and 7 up for the buffet! the tacos were from coffee club. yikes!now let the pictures do the talking. a picture paints a thousand words and i posted 9 pictures so its 9000 words. have fun people!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Itinerary ( 21st july )
8.00 - 11.00 mugging in school
11.00 - 12.00 ngee ann poly tour
12.30 - 2.00 lunch at swensens
2.30 - 3.30 bid farewell at airport
4.30 - 8.30 swuash training
9.15 - 10.15 dinner st spize
10.15 - 11.30 coffee at starbucks
12.00 home sweet home

was a fun day, kinda hectic though!

picasa suck! i can only post 4 pictures collage and now theres one more! yikes. anyway, for that one last collage, scroll down and you'll see it.

bye people!

Friday, July 21, 2006

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hey there's another marathon coming up, we missed the mizuno one! oh well. this time, it's kind of costly. 35 bucks for the 10km category!
don't think i'll be going unless there's people who's going to sponsor!

and i'm picking up windsurfing soon. joo ting xinni me and maybe zi long's interested! anybody wanna join us?


sorry, i wasn't able to put this up cause blogspot was down yesterday! sad but anyway happy birthday with much sincerity.

guys i'm such a procrastinator, i had to work late into the night yesterday to complete a speech due today! topic of speech? squash!haha
and yida, don't be upset, it's just results. study harder and u'll make it. i'm not in the right place to tell you this but yeah! just chill okay.

okay i'm going to pay attention now. bye!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

i need a girl

caught up wit harry yesterday! was pretty fun but not the hot chocolate i had at starbucks! it's too sweet. guess the tooth fairy will be here soon!

987 fm, only the hits! been tuning into them even in class! never mind, i can multi-task and you know what, i scored 75 for the test yesterday! wasn't too bad considering my book was left untouched!
where were we? ohh 987 fm! it's a great fm, there's no deejays from 10am to 4pm, and you just listen to songs after songs. i mean hits after hits! u should tune in too.

min hui, i can't find a cheaper one! this is the link, i haven't gone to any tour agencies though. we'll go soon!

yea. mary ann was nagging about my inability to take care of my well being! so yea here goes,

I need a girl to ride, ride, ride
I need a girl to be my wife
I need a girl who's mine all mine
Nobody else cause she's all mine
I need a girl in my life!

any takers?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


i just found out that there's a test at the later part of the day.
dumb! i didn't study, was out during weekends.

the burnts are working its course and i can't sleep!
mosturisers ain't working!


Sunday, July 16, 2006


was a fun filled day at the beach. haven't been there for like ages although sea water wasn't foreign to me cause i had been sailing!
had a very sunny day! yikes now i'm all burnt.
volleyball is dis-figuring! it's dangerous! min hui burst a whole bundle of her blood vessels and got blue-blacks all over her hand. poor thing!

we were very lucky indeed. me and min hui went over to new zealand natural to get ourselves some ice-cream since mei ying was working. and it was on the house! not because of mei ying, but there's this group of people playing amazing race and they were suppose to buy us ice-creams and serve it to us!
okay i'm tired just let the pictures do the talking.

see all of you soon.


Friday, July 14, 2006


i'm actually blogging in class. class is just too boring for me and i'm falling asleep. slept so little yesterday.

here's a picture of me in class!

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the assitant chairperson for the upcoming trip to pulau hantu? me? gosh, i'm never good at leading. and i heard that there's going to be a halloween, christmas and mid autumn festival party coming up.
sailing is so havoc. i'm actually looking forward to all the events we're going to have. it'll be fun haha

hope the syfc rejection card doesn't reach my mailbox.

Later people.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

welcome back

Wizard Animation

was a nice day out with minh nhat and the others..simply in love with him
kinda miss him when he's in the states but oh well people leave right? but he'll still be my very good brother! rock on dude.

so it was cartel for us. pork chop wasn't great but edible. tze ping and lennon's rib seems so much nicer! but whatever. guess what? we're going to have a badminton session this friday and a trip to sentosa the following day haha.

it's going to be exhausting but thats what drives me! my friends.
people, i will not forget any single one of you. the days we had back in school, our defiance, our craps and certainly our jokes.
it's always been fun and i never loathe going to school.
aww, those were the days!

anyway i'll see you guys this coming friday and i'll continue hunting for the cheapest price i can get for the cruise.


thank you

told you i'll post this up. heez but thanks for being so nice.
i felt better after looking at this picture. so sweet of you to send your picture over.
anyway i'm having my interview later. yikes i'm dead!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

min hui and i

haha hey this is the picture we took at kbox. tommorow's my interview for the singapore youth flying club. now i hope god really bless me but i wouldn't feel bad if i don't get in haha.oh well!

the discussion

haha i weren't there when the guys in my class were discussing about their experiences. experiences with girls i mean. but whats there to be proud of?
one said,'' i did nothing"
the other continued, " my girlfriend gave me a handjob"
and the last one claimed that he had done heavy petting

later on they shift the topic to clubbing. and there was one particular guy who exclaimed that he's been visiting MOS for like a million times. i was just exaggerating but he insisted that he was a regular

i was startled. remember i told you how nerdy my class was and now i'm beginning to see the other side of them. but i'm pretty sure that the MOS regular was a fake. he don't even hang around town, let alone clubbing.
guys, you must be feeling happy for me. at least the class does what normal teenagers do and that i can blend in, now that i see the other side of them. but hey thats not how i actually felt. if you could read a little more carefully you might be able to see the competition between them even in their social life.
maybe u'll say that i'm too sensitive but that's how i interpret it to be. clubbing at MOS at an age of 17? it's possible and i'm planning to make a fake ic just to club but for him? no, i don't think so.
i'm prejudice, i jump to conclusion. but for a guy who has 3 shirts to rotate for a week, and don't even visits town? u'll think about it.

haha hey i'm so bad in this entry. bitching about people.
sorry but i'll pray tonight.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

marina south

i know. i've been updating like freak but hey it's a good sign and i don't want to have an empty blog.

this time after much help from olivia and min hui, i managed to put this up haha.
it's not bad considering this is the first time i'm doing a collage

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school's been tough. and now i actually knows how mugging is like. i just hate muggers
my grades are bad and i'm like the bottom few in class
see, i used to have good grades but not now. maybe i'm just egoistic and i can't stand losing

people are selfish. they would be so reluctant to help you out when you're stuck at a question.
sometimes they wouldn't even want to help. guess i just need more friends
people who seldom mugs
people who clubs
people who play squash
any takers?

apparently, many didn't attend school today.
met up with chong meng for lunch and wei lun came along.

got myself a cap to cover that ugly hair. it's almost bare

i know, i've been swearing since i started this entry. i was surfing the net and i came across this clip. it's how japanese learn english nowadays. goodness
so here it is guys, enjoy!

Monday, July 10, 2006



now min hui's gonna laugh at this.

i was up the whole night visiting the toilet.
and i found out that we ran out of pills. dumb luck!

serve me right! i've been having spicy food these few days despite the fact that my tummy wasn't doing very well. and to make things worst i drank loads of milk.

better not faint dehydrating

now could you just excuse me for a second, the toilet seem so attractive

later people


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funny and comical. enjoy guys


i'm zonked

and jesus, never did i know setting up a blog was this taxing.
guys, please appreciate my effort though its not a very sophisticated blog.

okay. i'm going out for squash now.

Later Guys.