Wednesday, July 12, 2006

the discussion

haha i weren't there when the guys in my class were discussing about their experiences. experiences with girls i mean. but whats there to be proud of?
one said,'' i did nothing"
the other continued, " my girlfriend gave me a handjob"
and the last one claimed that he had done heavy petting

later on they shift the topic to clubbing. and there was one particular guy who exclaimed that he's been visiting MOS for like a million times. i was just exaggerating but he insisted that he was a regular

i was startled. remember i told you how nerdy my class was and now i'm beginning to see the other side of them. but i'm pretty sure that the MOS regular was a fake. he don't even hang around town, let alone clubbing.
guys, you must be feeling happy for me. at least the class does what normal teenagers do and that i can blend in, now that i see the other side of them. but hey thats not how i actually felt. if you could read a little more carefully you might be able to see the competition between them even in their social life.
maybe u'll say that i'm too sensitive but that's how i interpret it to be. clubbing at MOS at an age of 17? it's possible and i'm planning to make a fake ic just to club but for him? no, i don't think so.
i'm prejudice, i jump to conclusion. but for a guy who has 3 shirts to rotate for a week, and don't even visits town? u'll think about it.

haha hey i'm so bad in this entry. bitching about people.
sorry but i'll pray tonight.
