Wednesday, August 16, 2006


think this is a pretty short entry so i better add on man! i'm kinda down this few weeks cause i'm really struggling hard. i'm upset cause i found out that i made a wrong choice at the beginning of this year! polytechnic should never be my choice! i admit i'm a procrastinator, i only work at the very last minute and i seriously lack self discipline!

now i'm like 2 days to 2 of my core module exams and i just found out that i have so much to study but so little time! worst, i'm stuck at practically every question.
futhermore, i'm not a very mathematical person and i cant do maths for nuts, so engineering should have been a no!

and my class? there wasnt any friendship to start with, apart from a few good peeps i met! and they finished their revision like yesterday? but thanks yixiang for teaching me thermos and offering more help! seriously speaking, i just cant fit in no matter how hard i try.
a pieces eh? shouldnt he be able to adapt to any enviroment? shouldnt he be flexible enough? maybe i'm just too proud or stuck up to know my class, so, to hell with my pride!

and about the maths test last thursday, i err failed? i lost like 40 marks on the last section so passing should be a problem. but i'll still cling onto that tiny weeny hope that i'll pass my module, thanks mel!

now jc seems so attractive. i still miss the days i had in jjc though workloads always pile faster than u can say done, i had fun! so maybe i'll go to cjc next year i don't know but i thought of it! we'll see how it goes la but i'll continue working hard for my exams. thanks people for your support.
