Wednesday, August 30, 2006

and hope you like the pressies though you said the wallet was abit nei nei but it's nice la! so you better used k, cause its votes were the highest among the guys haha

hope vila'ge weren' too bad for you yea but the cake was nice though it was abit costly for such a small cake! we'll have billy bombers make-up before 3rd sept, so maybe we'll go on the 1st of sept? anyway i had a great day so i hope you had one too. haha lots of pressies eh? must share with your best friend here.

we're in different schools now, miss bitching with you in chemistry and physics classes. swearing at teachers and going on and on with my complaints always drives you nuts. but you survive just fine yea! and you'll be a great resort manager not one that fix the air con! i see future in you! have fun in temasek and meet up often, okay?
anyway see you this friday! KBOX wahaha.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

You are a dog
Or maybe you are a mosquito, you certainly can't be human.

The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 21.1kHz
Find out which ringtones you can hear!

omg i really can hear the 21.1khz pitch! you people should try, i found out that i have this special talent in me! tell me your results can or i'll go around feeling that i'm supersonic haha!

sorry but the result cant seems to hyperlink, so heres the address wahaha.


Sunday, August 27, 2006


exams are over! and i met up with yong da and eugene to chill out at eskibar yesterday. who said that i look too young to drink! argh but we managed to get alcoholic drinks. was fun hanging out with them though we walked all the way from boat quay to orchard just to get breakfast from macdonalds haha

Later guys!

i'm so addicted to my lovely samsoon!

surprise? u should! cause you'll never see me camping in front of the black box catching drama series.

Monday, August 21, 2006


yea it's someone's birthday again. indulge ourselves with sinful and more sinful food at new york new york haha! my bill was a bomb so i think i'm gonna cut down on my expenses this month! i must start saving! thanks to the waiter who found olivia's wallet and thank god that she don't have to pay a hundred just to make her ic! sorry olivia for not informing you that u're the only girl coming but hope you had fun with all the 5 macho bodyguards!

i know exams are near and i'm still out having fun, but i'll make up! gonna study now so cya guys around!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


think this is a pretty short entry so i better add on man! i'm kinda down this few weeks cause i'm really struggling hard. i'm upset cause i found out that i made a wrong choice at the beginning of this year! polytechnic should never be my choice! i admit i'm a procrastinator, i only work at the very last minute and i seriously lack self discipline!

now i'm like 2 days to 2 of my core module exams and i just found out that i have so much to study but so little time! worst, i'm stuck at practically every question.
futhermore, i'm not a very mathematical person and i cant do maths for nuts, so engineering should have been a no!

and my class? there wasnt any friendship to start with, apart from a few good peeps i met! and they finished their revision like yesterday? but thanks yixiang for teaching me thermos and offering more help! seriously speaking, i just cant fit in no matter how hard i try.
a pieces eh? shouldnt he be able to adapt to any enviroment? shouldnt he be flexible enough? maybe i'm just too proud or stuck up to know my class, so, to hell with my pride!

and about the maths test last thursday, i err failed? i lost like 40 marks on the last section so passing should be a problem. but i'll still cling onto that tiny weeny hope that i'll pass my module, thanks mel!

now jc seems so attractive. i still miss the days i had in jjc though workloads always pile faster than u can say done, i had fun! so maybe i'll go to cjc next year i don't know but i thought of it! we'll see how it goes la but i'll continue working hard for my exams. thanks people for your support.


Sunday, August 13, 2006


happy birthday joo ting hope you had a wonderful day out! and xinni pork knuckles tasted horrible.
haha rosties rocks as usual and marche still give people that homely atmosphere haha

anyway the fireworks today were far better than the tuesday one, was superb!
way to go france!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

long live the lord! long live the king and long live victor
thanks to him, we had so much goodies for free! think i'm gonna start worshipping him.

click is a superb movie people please go catch it man!
popcorns, chicken platter, drinks and ben and jerry's ice cream for free? ( victor got us these treats cause he was working )

maybe i'll visit the cathay soon wahaha

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nice fireworks we had over at esplanade yesterday
a great day, and a great friend i made

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

i hate cads and i'm so gonna foward this module! i just can't do the test today, too much of playing and slacking i guess!

was feeling down but the movie hoodwinked cheered me up a little. maybe just a tiny winy bit?

geez, i always did love happy endings!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


haha here i am blogging about yesterday, went out with pei rong and was spotted by vijay and lennon.

damn anyway we were just strolling around town looking at stuffs and i got so attracted by a lacoste polo tee. it cost 149 bucks anyone wanna get me that?

ended up in nydc for dinner and we ran into qijun and melvin! such coincidence! so we sat together for dinner and caught up with each other. qijun was so drama and the thought of her still makes me laugh la.

i got a new flipflop! better to get one normal one or else the class is gonna start commenting again.

had such a fun day yesterday


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

this entry comes way too late i guess.
i am so sorry was busy with stuffs but anyway
i hope you had fun hanging out with us, now let me recall.

first it was marche then to esplanade and we ended up in clarke quay after our bumb boat ride. was a tiring day and i lost my voice after the rosties. yikes!
anyway the gang took 300 pictures, keep up the good work and we'll take more next time! special thanks to olivia who upload all 150 pictures once she got home. you're the best!
check out olivia's blog for more pictures.

see all of you soon
