Saturday, March 31, 2007


someday i'm gonna drive out to the country, drive to the highway end. yea i'll do just that!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

pardon me for being a living zombie.

and a happy birthday to xinni who had always been filling me in with her bitchiness.

it suck? i know.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

few pictures, ultimate fun!
a pity to be inconvenient for the ladies.
bad fall that hock peng had. he fell like humpty dumpty!
now olivia minhui and hock peng, you owe me my wild wild wet.nevertheless, my friends are the epitome of everything i love. so yeah!

i'm in a pout, i fell from the escalator. and my mum's displeased! perhaps i shouldn't sing to gabriel on the escalator next time. okay i'm digressing. i'll talk more about the chalet when i'm free.


Friday, March 16, 2007

I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.

John 11:25-26

and i know our dearest kennedy had returned to God's arm. Amen.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

and yes, i drank

went pubbing with meiying and hockpeng and we caught up a little.
i was sun kissed, not drunk

i wasn't lying when i said i wish you were here.

Monday, March 12, 2007

spastic looks. but i'm loving the sailors to bits.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Table

this is my table. on my table there are 4 pictures. one family picture, one picture with pei rong and two other pictures with my JC friends. there's a vase with three tulips and some cards pinned on the notice board. there is also a model aircraft and a piggy bank. i love my table and i study at the table.

written by the young at heart gary.

pictures are commodity. i'll feel nostalgic.
the plane served as a motivation.
the piggy bank insinuate self discipline by not spulrging.
the note book as a reminder. u ought to see the craps inside.
the tulips bought to save cancer patient.
my contacts on the noticeboard.

see i'm not as intricate and ambiguous as people think i am. and oh pei rong made me leave her pictures on my desk.

All The Man That I Need.

I used to cry myself to sleep at night
But that was all before he came
I thougt love had to hurt to turn out right
But now he`s here
It`s not the same
It`s not the same

He fills me up
He gives me love
More love than I´ve ever seen
He`s all I`ve got
He`s all I`ve got in this world
But he`s all the man that I need

And in the morning when I kiss his eyes
He takes me down and rocks me slow
An in the evening when the moon is high
He holds me close
And won`t let go
He won`t let go

if you would mind changing the man to woman and the he to her.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Should cows wear bras?
Write an essay with no more than 500 words.

My essay:
Why not?

(2 words)
Gary Lin

i could easily fabricate a whole bunch of shit out of this essay topic. like how it wouldn't be cost effective buying ero, triumph, la senza for the cows. or how cows these days might be metrosexual.

either way you still get your bloody milk!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Party At MA's

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

now using 3 words, describe yourself.
suck like shit?
you must sucked big time yea.
why not.

i disdain people with so much to write in their own profile when i had nothing. maybe that's cause i have shallow understanding of myself. but i don't advocate for more friends in friendster or for more viewers in my blog. so yea.


Monday, March 05, 2007

i don't have a job or rather i'm too lazy to find one. whoever said that woman can always forgive but not forget. i'll take that. cause my mum never forgot the time i splurge that one grand in a few months. she thought i could stamp out that bad habit by working but i don't see how it's going to work. but i had been saving up and contributing to my non significant POSB savings account. although i can't permutate into another person who's thrifty and stingy but i can actually save a little by spending moderately.

enough of being a good boy.

happy birthday jun khee
happy birthday wei xian
happy birthday shi qi
happy birthday yida
happy birthday benjamin
happy birthday to me

ahh whatever.