Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Monday, September 25, 2006

had been out. no time to blog and no time for pictures cause we're having so much fun. by the way, happy birthday cindy! i know its so belated. we had fun yea!

terms gonna start. and i'm starting to feel sick. ain't glad that terms starting and the thought of having the same classmates make me feel so reluctant. but anyway i got to do well this term.
juggling with sailing squash, school work, syfc and friends is gonna be mental la. hmmm but at least let me have fun for the last day!

Monday, September 18, 2006

oh am so dead bush la.
had lecture was spread out the whole day on sat at syfc and sailing camp from sat to sun.
but sat night was so exciting that i would wanna do it again and again and again!
see, we had supper at the cheese prata shop since it was just a few steps away from our club. ordered like hell loads of stuffs from pratas to nasi goreng to roti john. teh tarik was so hot that most of us ordered again. so thats makes it like 2 round of drinks.
and then the discussion after supper, wasnt a small one but was rather a big one. when people sat down, wrote testimonials and chatted. that was when we actually bonded the most as a sailing team.
anyway damn kian tat and my dearest linus, i'm having blue blacks all over my nipples. and drawing on zilong's nipples was so fun that xinni and i attempted to arrouse him. there were many events that happen during this two days, so if i'm gonna blabber on this is gonna take ages. heez . so many events but no pictures. wait till i get them from mel.heez

oh now that min hui and victor have found a job, what am i suppose to do la! things are gonna get so boring but we'll meet up after their work so its okay! anyway k-ing with min hui olivia and victor is such a wonderful experience. wait till you see vic going off key! haha shant comment much. you'll just have to listen but aww poor thing he had a sore throat that day.

anyway i really need to get some sleep so chill out peeps

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Father, God bless all my friends in whatever it is that you know they may be needing this day! And may their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as he/she seeks to have a closer relationship with you. Amen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

hey guys, haven't been updating for so long.
i broke the promise to update weekly but anyway here goes.
I"M PEELING! skin's shedding like there's no tommorow, and i'm going sentosa tommorow. gonna work on my pecs later! though results don't show instantly but miracles do happen hehe.

wasn't a great camp, no wind, killing sun but hantu turns out to be a nice place. shan't complain too much.
oh and i finished my lovely samsoon, and i wanna burn the whole show so i can re-watch and re-watch and re-watch!

no pictures but see you guys soon. god bless!
